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Spotlight on Vytautas Katkus: A Masterclass in Filmmaking at Kurzfilmtage Winterthur!


Spotlight on Vytautas Katkus! 🌟

Today marks the start of the 28th Internationale Kurzfilmtage Winterthur , where our talented director Vytautas Katkus takes the stage as the PERSON IN FOCUS!

November 7–9 is your chance to experience not one, but two special programs dedicated to his work and to join an exclusive masterclass led by Vytautas himself!

In the The Man in the Director’s Chair program, dive into five films directed by Katkus (including CHERRIES!), while The Man Behind the Camera showcases four stunning works as a cinematographer. 🎞

This event is brought to life with the support of Lithuanian Shorts, Lietuvos kino centras and M-Films

More information here